Kanekota Rising June 24, 2018. My journey started in 2001 when I moved up to a farm within the 6 mile British protection limit as stated by the Captain General Haldimand in his order. Captain General has the power to…
The medicine of music
Jan. 24, 2018. The universe is energy, frequency and vibration. We are spirit beings here on Mother Earth and there are certain frequencies that all of creation uses to communicate. There were 13 frequencies in the original “solfaggio scale” which…
The returning Peace
Dec. 17, 2017. In the Mohawk creation story we started out in the sky-world, a world that passes this world on a long cycle. On one of the passing’s a beautiful woman with child, was placed here on…
Nov. 29, 2017 ; I want to tell the story of Canada from the perspective of someone here on the ground looking at all the facts . In 1605 Samuel de Champlain arrived in the St. Lawrence River…
Polishing the chain
confirmation by the Kremlin they received my letter On the Two Row Wampun With Russia – The Historic LETTER: https://interceptor369.livejournal.com/10469.html NOTE: Многоуважаемый Владимир Владимирович Конфедерация ирокезов и Союз североамериканских индейских племён ищет дипломатические отношения с Российской Федерацией в соответствии с…
Native American refugee in Russia
I am an Anonymous friend of the family of Mr. John Anthony Robles II the first former US national with asylum in the Russian Federation and in October of 2014 wrote a press release regarding the case of Mr. Robles…
The Jesuits and the Black Nobility: The Forces Above the Rothschilds and the Zionists. By John Robles independent journalist ; https://reptiliandimension.wordpress.com/2014/12/04/the-real-10-bloodlines-of-the-illuminati-nobody-knows-about/ A Note From John: Due to ongoing research, current events and revelations I am revising this work in order…
Seizure of Russian Diplomatic properties
Warning to the Government of the Russian Federation: Be Harsh Time to be Harsh: On the Seizure of Russian Diplomatic Properties in the US During my recent appearance on Russian television I stated that Russia must respond harshly to the…
Reality Winner
Meanwhile back on the other side of the water or associate writer John Robles reports on the inner workings from a Russian perspective, on things you Need To Know; The Case of “Reality Leigh Winner” and…