by John Kirchknopf They tell us to follow the science. What they are indeed not telling us is that their mind control soul sucking media war is that science. It’s not the science of biology, chemistry, and science that you…
The returning Peace
Dec. 17, 2017. In the Mohawk creation story we started out in the sky-world, a world that passes this world on a long cycle. On one of the passing’s a beautiful woman with child, was placed here on…
Nov. 29, 2017 ; I want to tell the story of Canada from the perspective of someone here on the ground looking at all the facts . In 1605 Samuel de Champlain arrived in the St. Lawrence River…
Please post & distribute. MAY 9, 2017. US President Trump is training the people to always get the short end of the stick. He thinks a good president dominates and everybody else submits. Several years ago some…
Please post & distribute. MNN. April 26, 2017. On ono-ware-keh. great turtle island, had no prisons, poor houses, orphanages, old age homes, army, police, starving homeless people, insane asylums or welfare. Planned hopelessness is part of Duncan Campbell Scott’s…
Please post & distribute. MNN. April 24, 2017. Corporatists condition their subjects to only have hope in super heroes, comic characters through entertainment. False flag attacks are staged. Infiltrators destroy property to blame the protesters. Heavily armed troops march…
Please post & distribute. MNN. April 20, 2017. Recently found is a Heiltsuk people’s settlement on the BC coastline on Troquet Island. They sheltered this village during the last Ice Age 14,000 to 15,000 year ago. Remains of charcoal,…
Please post & distribute. MNN. April 17, 2014. A person was brutally beaten by armed security guards on United Airlines at O’Hare Airport. People the world over rose up in anger. Now international discussions are on to protect passengers…
Please post & distribute. MNN. Jan. 24, 2017. onkwe’hon:weh’neha does not mean sovereignty. It means we are the original natural people of this land placed here by creation. Everyone else is a temporary visitor. Donald Trump is the president/CEO…