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MNN. DEC. 8, 2015. None of these tactics used to destroy and discredit us are random. Big tobacco, Canada, US, NYS, Quebec and Ontario carefully planned the use of our sovereignty and tax exempt rights to enrich themselves. Brand name cigarettes were transported to the US, and then had our people bring it back to our communities. We sold them tax-free. The corporations made billions, which they hid in their off-shore accounts. Everybody got illegally paid.  We legitimately earned some money.

Them anti-INDIAN laws work real good!

Them anti-INDIAN laws work real good!

Then we got too smart. We started our own businesses, growing our own tobacco, making our own brands on behalf of all our communities. Big tobacco wanted the monopoly and had to eliminate the competition, just like Al Capone in 1929 Chicago.

Corporate traps were set up to knock us out to this very day. They made us think we were doing something wrong, when we were not. The cops arrested us for delivering product for big tobacco. Our private vehicles were taken. Our products seized. We had huge fines to pay or long jail sentences to serve. Those imprisoned were beaten. Many got lifelong criminal records, followed by probation and rehabilitation to put us on the sidelines for the rest of our lives. Our communities were disrupted. Today a huge number of our people have illegal warrants.

We have been made afraid to claim our rightful social security, pensions, health care and other funds that are owed to us. Millions will die for fear of going to hospitals. Our pensions, annuities, bank accounts were seized, making us persona non grata for jobs. Our future livlihood was deliberately destroyed. We cannot look after our families.

They say they're going to sue us for forcing them to smoke.

They say they’re going to sue us for forcing them to smoke.

The big tobacco back by the police state protects their monopoly. Every cent big tobacco makes is theft. We have not broken the law. Illegal taxation has been forced on us. If we don’t pay, we and our families are persecuted, placed on lists to be targeted for everything. Our names are never removed from their list.

Even your citizens were harassed, taxed, homes and bank accounts seized and forced to pay taxes with penalties. They are being threatened with imprisonment and loss of all their possessions. Our economy is broken to eliminate any competition for their illegal monopoly over our natural plant.

Sitting along the road or at pow wows selling beadwork is fine. When we make a lot of money, we are targeted, criminalized, violated, placed on multiple government watch lists, all absolutely illegal to all agreements that were ratified.

Queenie, the boss of Big Tobacco!

Queenie, the boss of Big Tobacco!

Now the corporate band and tribal councils are controlling our businesses on behalf of the corporate matrix. They only swear allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and her heirs and ancestors, then through the Order of the Garter, they pay their taxes to the City of London.

We know which judges, lawyers, prosecutors, cops and government officials were paid off. We will be providing this important disclosure to the public soon. We did nothing wrong but they did everything wrong. Trial of NYS Troopers is supposed to be in January 2016.

Big Tobacco carting away the gold.

Big Tobacco carting away the gold.

This is how our relationship with big tobacco played out: As Jerry Reed explains, “She [big tobacco] got the goldmine and we [onkwe’hon:weh] got the shaft. … They split it right down the middle, And then they give her the better half. Well, it all sounds sorta funny, But it hurts too much to laugh. She got the goldmine, I got the shaft”. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Assad: UK & France can’t defeat terrorism.

San Bernadine is total scam.

BIS trust fund.

Hang the bankers.

Targeting onkwe’ho:weh escalates.



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