Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. 30 OCT. 2015. The shit problem in Montreal is out of hand. It’s about to poison the land, water, air [pew!], animals and people. The colonial settlers are overwhelmed. Their ancestors left the…
Please post & distribute. MNN. Oct. 29, 2015. Animals taught us to respect the natural world. Rotitakeras means they who wreak like o’tah. In the natural world, all animals don’t shit in the river. They bury it in the…
Please post & distribute. MNN. OCT 27, 2015. So far Trudeau II is backing the pipeline, the TPP [TransPacific Partnership], slightly tweaking C51 anti-terror bill that targets ongwe’hon:weh, and taking guns off the people who need them, starting in…