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MNN. 22 Aug. 2016. See the “Nightmare on Clinton Street”, starring Freddie Scullin, preview on September 20th at the trial of the I-81 INDIAN Detail. Watch NYS Trooper James Parmley give it to the cameraman.


Get your tickets early before they’re all gone. 100 South Clinton St., Syracuse NY. All concerned people will be there. So get in line now!

UN Declaration on the Rights of indigenous People specifies that anything to do with our land, water, air and us, must have our permission. Band and tribal councils are merely hamburger flippers for the pirate ship ‘Admiralty’. The “Skull n Bones” flag flies high behind the pilot.scullin bones

Let us remind everyone, there are two kinds of people on ono’ware:keh, great turtle island, us original people and all you boat people. Anyone standing on our land comes underneath kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace. Skipper Scullin’s court belongs on a ship in the middle of the ocean to deal with banks, corporations and money. At the August 18 pre-trial, the skipper told us he had full authority even though the ship was still in the dock.

, looks like we're going' down.

looks like we’re going’ down.


I-81 INDIAN Detail tried to kill us even though they had no jurisdiction on our land.


In every other sport the referee gets booed. In the court the judge gets revered. They want us to bow down to him but we can’t because our anatomy doesn’t allow us to bow to anybody.

Gord Downey of Tragically Hip seems to be singing about Skipper Scullin when he says:”What’s wrong, what’s going on? You can’t tie yourself up for a deal, he said “Hey North, you’re South. Shut your big mouth, you gotta do what you feel is real”.

Frederick J. Scullin Jr. interesting wikipedia bio.

Downey speaks to Trudeau.

Frederick James Scullin, Jr. Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Scullin

Secret Montreal cross Canada pipeline session.

Unity March World Social Forum Montreal August 8, 2016.

Any concerned person should call these these parties and ask them what their position is: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C. Winfieldawinfield@barclaydamon.com; Brittany E. Aungier baungier@barclaydamon.com; Carol L. Rhinehart crhinehart@ongov.netdkarle@ongov.net; Devin M. Cain dcain@maglaw.com; Elkan Abramowitz EAbramowitz@maglaw.com; Gabriel M. Nugent gnugent@barclaydamon.com 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi Joannagozzi@ongov.netdenisekarle@ongov.net; Jodi M. Peikin JPeikin@Maglaw.comCSeel@Maglaw.comRAnello@Maglaw.com; Robert J. Anello ranello@magislaw.com; Terrance J. Hoffman tjhoffman@cnymail.com 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey timothy.mulvey@ag.ny.gov 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Nicole_eallonardo@nynd.uscourts.gov Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011. New York Times executive-editor@nytimes.com 

ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$165] without explanation. They are asking for payment to close down the account. MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

MNN video link.

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