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End the Mega-quarry

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October 5, 2011
The package I sent to General Sir Peter Wall was accepted in England on May 5 and it contained evidence of high treason against current finance minister Jim Flaherty regarding his property on lot 1 concession 11, Clearview township. As you can see from the photograph Flaherty is doing pretty good with two golf holes in his backyard. So he really is continuing to hide behind pictures of her majesty while ignoring the Imperial law to enrich himself personally. He will be talking with a military tribunal.
People up here have been trying to fight the proposed mega-quarry through the Admiralty system which is only about money, it is for banks and corporations to settle monetary disputes. All consensus systems in Canada fall under Admiralty Law. The only instrument that supersedes Admiralty Law is a Royal proclamation. The Royal proclamation 1784 is also commonly known as the Haldimand Proclamation and it is an order that the British military will protect 6 miles around the River Grand from Lake Erie to its source, forever. This is the highest law in the British empire and the precedent is the enactment of the Balfour declaration in 1947 which created Israel.
I have asked the General to set up a military tribunal which has jurisdiction over this “protectorate”. When jurisdiction is set, Admiralty statutes that protect shareholder identity do not apply. When we remove the masks most people will be aghast to find many of their former and current ministers are the actual shareholders of the Highland Group.

The farmers are holding an event called Foodstock on October 16 of this year to raise awareness and money to fight the takeover of prime agricultural land by a corporate entity. When I tried to find out whom was in charge of entertainment one of the farmers directed me to Nanci Malek (whom is also a Melancthon councilor). When I told her I want a spot on the mainstage for my group “Project for Peace” she said “oh, the mainstage is all booked with Sarah Harmer and Jim Cuddy” I told her I was insulted and outraged that they choose to ignore us again. Many people know me in Kanekota and are stunned that I was not even considered for an appearance, since this is what I sing about.

The Melancthon council has changed since I visited there and read aloud the Royal Proclamation 1784, those retired councilors will all appear before a military tribunal and explain why they chose to ignore the highest law. The current councilors are put on notice with this writing. If you choose to ignore the Royal proclamation you will also be talking with the tribunal. It reminds me when I met then “councilor Ford” about the keys to the school property. He told me “I cant step on any toes, it’s a real sensitive issue” he will also be talking with then tribunal. You can choose to be the first to follow the law and this will ensure your good being with the Crown, ignore it at your own peril.

There have been many publicity events to raise awareness about the mega-quarry including a staged incident called “Unity Ride” complete with fake Indians and their ART (aboriginal response team) partners. This followed a much better “Walk to stop the quarry” which was a 5 day walk from Queens Park to Melancthon. I joined them when they reached Kanekota and met many real people with good minds.

When the farmers are trusting the councilors to enact with the real Indians they also are on the wrong page. I consider myself as a friend to many of the farmers up here and have sang to many of them over the ten years I have been waiting for jurisdiction. I leave the link to my song “we are still here” especially for Nanci Malek the councilor from Melancthon whom “doesn’t like my voice”

Unity, strength, peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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