Jade Helm is the largest military “exercise” of all time, except that it’s not. It is really the Federal government’s preparedness for the coming global economic and social collapse. Ferguson and Baltimore are the test sites, fomented and fed by the Feds controlled media. The sheer mass of military assets that are flooding most states is bewildering to most people that hear of the true magnitude of Jade Helm. The focus is Texas. Why? There’s a gun behind every door and Texans are freedom lovers and the truest libertarians.
The other reason is not so obvious. I believe that they are preparing for the massive exodus from California. The man-made drought in California has left that state with only enough water for 500,000 people. Kinda difficult when the population of the state is around 36,000,000! Where to go? Wide open Texas of course, and they’ll be waiting. They’ve got over 50,000 rail cars complete with shackles, multiple FEMA camps set up in most states, and hundreds of thousands of multiple body, mass grave coffins ready. The Feds have purchased enough ammo to shoot the average American citizens 1000 times each.
Augment all of this with a few more Ferguson and Baltimore scenarios, properly media blown out of any real reason and we are going to have a very hot, hot summer. Lucky we have the military hanging around to save us.