2018 The Year in Review The Out of Control CIA + 911 + Historical Revisionism + Fake News + the Atavism of NATO = the Wanton Criminality and Genocide of an Insane Hegemon Slamming Around the World in an Endless…
Polishing the chain
confirmation by the Kremlin they received my letter On the Two Row Wampun With Russia – The Historic LETTER: https://interceptor369.livejournal.com/10469.html NOTE: Многоуважаемый Владимир Владимирович Конфедерация ирокезов и Союз североамериканских индейских племён ищет дипломатические отношения с Российской Федерацией в соответствии с…
Native American refugee in Russia
I am an Anonymous friend of the family of Mr. John Anthony Robles II the first former US national with asylum in the Russian Federation and in October of 2014 wrote a press release regarding the case of Mr. Robles…
John Robles; a Taino journalist living in Russia
The following piece was written by John Robles former news anchor at Voices of Russia Radio, English edition. This is the type of story everyone Needs To Know and is unedited . FROM THE AUTHOR Deliberations have been torturous as…
Please post & distribute. MNN. May 10, 2016. The colony of Canada refused help from seven countries offering aid from Russia, US, Mexico, Australia, Taiwan, Israel and Palestine to put out “the largest forest fire in Canadian history”. Prime…
Please post & distribute. MNN. Nov. 24, 2015. L. Frank Balm, writer of the “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, and foremost American journalist, suggested US should go all out one more time and finish them off. He said, “We’ve done…
Please post & distribute. MNN. Nov. 21, 2015. In 1994 there were joint military operations against the rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois] in US and Canada. “Gallant Piper” is the US counterpart to Canada’s “Operation Campus – Scorpion-Saxon”. New York State’s “INDIAN…