Please post & distribute. MNN. Oct. 2, 2016. In the Syracuse Federal Court the “onondaga15” threw in the towel on the “its-no-use” trial. They closed the case before DA Mulvey started his defense of the NYS “I-81 INDIAN Detail”.…
Please post & distribute. MNN. Dec. 13, 2015. Since the 1946 Nuremberg Trials “following orders” is declared as no defence when committing war crimes. Each participant is legally responsible for their actions in combat. President Bill Clinton, Brig. General William…
Please post & distribute. MNN. 28 Nov. 2015. Indian Law Resource Center ILRC of Washington DC and Montana was involved since 1988 in the conflict between New York State and the rotino’shonni/Iroquois confederacy. They were to dismantle the true rotino’shonni…
Please post & distribute. MNN. Nov. 26, 2015. Ranata’kaias, is our name for the office of the President of the United States. It came from an executive order that George Washington made to annihilate us. It means “a rabid…