Our political system is broken. At least it is broken for the common man. It works really well for corporations, wealthy elites and corporations.
We can be the change, but that requires participation. Proportional voter representaion is what we need to achieve and here’s why:
A recent Environics poll shows how many people are aware that their vote probably does not count for anything. It’s like going to a restaurant, and you get to eat what the guy ahead of you ordered, rather than what you really wanted… for the next 4 years. How do like them apples?
A strong majority of Canadians in polls over 14 years support proportional representation. Canadians know that 39% should not equal a majority, and every vote should count. Let’s elect a majority of MPs in 2015 committed to enacting PR. Please SIGN and SHARE our Declaration of Voters’ Rights and help us build the campaign to Make 2015 the Last Unfair Election! www.fairvote.ca/