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MNN. 19 Jan. 2016. Mythical onkwe’on:weh sage Red-X of the 5th dimension throws some light on the disappearance of cargo ships on the high seas. From his perch he sees the impending calamities being hurled at the kaia’nere:kowa, the Great Peace. His red brothers and sisters must be forewarned, “No onkwe’hon:weh blood for oil”.

Red-X: "Only onkwe'hon:weh in the canoe".

Red-X: “Only onkwe’hon:weh in the canoe”.




Red-X warns that, “Treasonous people, for aiding and abetting the national agenda of a foreign corporation, must be pulled out of the closet. Take the infidels and throw them right in front of the people”.


They are subject to the law of the land and its natural people, could be spanked by the women with red willows. Especially those SQ cops in Val’dor who abused almost all of our ken’non:weh. Red-X suggests that the Great Peace allows every onkwe’hon:weh to police themselves.

Dumping ship!

Dumping ship!

To the suppression or elimination of labor, Red-X says, “Who’s really working anyway? So what’s being eliminated?” On distain for intellectuals and the arts, Red-X will work of liberation.

Red-X says the tribal and band councils are the “boyz in the band in the belly of the beast and must be aborted”.



"Attention! If you're the ship's captain, it's investors or manufacturers, we're here to rescue you".

“Attention! If you’re the ship’s captain, it’s investors or manufacturers, we’re here to rescue you”.

He is in deep thought on how the super powers might have coordinated the disappearance of the cargo ships and the money from all the banks. “It looks like an inside job”, he declared, “to get all the black gold, which is the reason for every war”. Red-X says, “Money talks and the rest croak”. He reminds us that mass media, the ministry of propaganda, is a mouthpiece for ethnic cleansing and genocide. “Seize the airwaves now!”, says Red-X, “and speak truth to power!”Rats always jump first.

Is Obama the messiah to deliver Jesus onto Israel? “So praise the lord and pass the ammunition”.

His gaze has fallen upon the hundreds of thousands of votes the politicians fraudulently throw into the vote pot to win every election. The Pope’s shit certainly stinks wore than the otah Man Coderre in Montreal. He’s trying to get us all to join him in his new religion. You can do anything you want as long as you say “sorry” and then do it again. Red-X advises, “That’s when they get a pat in the mouth!”

So that's where all those ships are hiding!

So that’s where all those ships are hiding!

Red-X sees fascism from a strategic perch somewhere in a mountainous terrain where the sun always settles to rest. Like the eagle guarding over the Confederacy, “We were once called ‘Pine Tree Chiefs. But today we are basically “shit disturbers”.





"onen ki wahi!"

“onen ki wahi!”

The late and great Glenn Frey of the Eagles, sings about “The shadows are on the darker side, 
Behind those doors, it’s a wilder ride. 
You can make a break, you can win or lose
. That’s a chance you take when the heat’s on you!”

Shipping freeze up.

BDI crashes. No ships on oceans.

Big squeeze on Khazarian mafia.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Sputnik News posts MNN interview.

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