July 27, 2020 July 27, 2020. It is with great sadness I have to post this article about the Elder Abuse I have been tolerating at the Tyendinaga Elders Lodge. When I came to live here 3 years ago because…
Respect Your Elders

July 27, 2020 July 27, 2020. It is with great sadness I have to post this article about the Elder Abuse I have been tolerating at the Tyendinaga Elders Lodge. When I came to live here 3 years ago because…
Please post & distribute. The Spitting Bear has some comments on the forthcoming election of the corporation of the ‘government of Canada’. MNN. Aug. 19, 2019. An election of the illegal immigrants of the corporation of the government of Canada…
9 Please post & distribute. TWITTER @kahentinetha MNN. April 28, 2019. Canada is trying to “manage” the “Indian” problem! We are not the problem. They are! Canada is still trying to eliminate us! Our unborn, our babies and children were and…
Please post & distribute. MNN. Mar. 30, 2019. On Monday, April 1, 2019, the AIAI, Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians, is having a press conference at the Press Gallery on Parliament Hill. AIAI is alerting the world about the…
Please post & distribute. MNN. 15 Mar. 2019. Canada’s bluff was blown sky high! Canada is a fascist dictatorship run by a small group of criminal elite. Canada is actually a private company run like any other corporation, with the…
9 MNN. Mar. 13, 2019. The latest addendum to the extinction plan is detailed in the following narrative. Every version of the “Indian Act” has the word ‘extinction’. It should rightfully be called The Extinction Act. Read “Planned Extinction Part…
Please post & distribute. MNN. MAR. 10, 2019. On Mar. 7, 2019, this opening address was delivered to the BIOPC Mental Health Symposium at Concordia University by Kahentinetha, Bear Clan, kanionkehaka [Mohawk]: “Sego. Welcome. Someone who has been blacklisted for…
Please post & distribute. MNN. 24 FEB. 2019. Canada’s extinction plan is in motion. Mohawk Band Council of Kahnawake Inc. [MCK inc.] also called First Nations Inc. have signed the Framework Agreement to help Canada kidnap our mother earth. Creation…
Please post & distribute. MNN. 16 FEB. 2019. The onkwehonweh, original people, of turtle island never wanted to be and are not Canadians or Americans to this day. Our kaianerekowa and teiohateh guided us for thousands of years. The theft,…
Please post & distribute. MNN. Feb. 12, 2019. Jody Wilson Raybould, was thrown to the back of the bus by the Trudeau government because she would not cover up for the corruption that the Liberal government depends upon. She announced today…