Feb. 27, 2008. The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) is holding another hearing today on Canadian Hydro Developer’s (CHD) illegal actions, regarding the Amaranth portion of their industrial windmill project in Kanekota. I was asked by some concerned citizens to attend and make a presentation. I forward a link to my last appearance on the Melancthon portion, as I need not add anything else at this time.
The decision made by the OMB on the Melancthon portion was unconstitutional and against the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent decisions regarding aboriginal consultation. I predict they will rule in favour of the corporation as they are a part of the corporatocracy that Ontario has become. The OMB’s role in this criminal activity seems to be of a propaganda nature, where they are trying to present this whole affair as democratic and fair. The “real” people here in Kanekota are not fooled by this act. They will continue to fight this crime in the name of our earth mother. CHD has bought out the more astute opponents, with high prices on their properties and a promise to shut up and sit down.
It comes down to the simple question of “does Canada honour her international commitments“? So far everyone can see that she does not regarding the Haldimand Proclamation of 1784, or UNTS 1021 on the crime and punishment of genocide 1948, or UN 1514 on decolonization in 1960. What makes anyone think Canada will honour any treaty she enters into? Canada’s democracy is in need of an overhaul. The colonial system that was set up from the beginning is still in place, with the Senate holding half the law making power and only answering to the billionaires that really run this corporate state.
Canada should abolish the archaic senate. They could follow the ancient “council of the great peace” (Kayanerakowa) and return the rightful power to the women of this land, by making it the council of women. The house of Commons could become the council of men. The formula for peace on earth has this division as it’s main factor. The colonists never wanted to let their women in on governance, because the men owned their women at that time. We think the women of the world are waking up and demanding their rightful place in the running of this world. It is most likely we could end the “war problem” if the women held their proper place. We could also end the other problems that this male dominated society has created, like pollution.
With unity of mind through the natural law, comes great strength.
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota