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MNN. May 5, 2016. The Indian Act is the basis of the colonial genocide. Reconciliation can’t start until it is dissolved. kaia’nere:kowa and teio’ha:teh will apply to every community. Then the peace will reign. Anyone participating in war will no longer have a job in or place to lay down anywhere in ono’ware:geh.
Aaron Detlor set up the sale of Six Nation land to multinational corpos making it appear like the peoples’ interests are protected. In fact he tried to cut us from our roots to our mother earth. We were to be victims of seizure, taxes and all municipal obligations to destroy us with debt. We should be calling him Aaron Debtlor.
Nobody can sell our mother. Anybody who fraudulently bought land from A.Debtlor should go to jail with him for trying to screw us.
Two Row Times reveals that Debtlor insists that Haudenosaunee Development Institute HDI is not a corporation. It holds 50 shares in ‘2438543 Ontario Inc.’, a private corporation, “in trust”, for the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council. The real solution is dissolution.
On April 23, HDI filed a report with Ontario to reserve the name “Haudenosaunee Development Institute”. The corporation will go into effect in 90 days, in July 2016. The April 28, 2016 corporate file shows the numbered company is still active. The Samsung deal in kanekota [at the source of the Grande River] has placed 250 windmills on our sacred land. The first 80 were formally seized by the women, kohtihon’tia:kwenio, according to their duties under Wampum 44. They were put on notice that all subsequent windmills are our property. A.Debtlor was behind the allocation of 250 windmills in Kanekota, never informing anybody.
The risks to business corporations partnering with status INDIANS on reserve is that the INDIAN Act “Section 89(1) provides that the property of an INDIAN or a band is not subject to attachment, levy, seizure, distress charge, pledge, mortgage or execution”. Only another INDIAN or band can seize property. Debtlor is going to court SOON to remove this protection. He is representing the non-native ex-spouse of a dead ‘Mohawk’ to seize his estate on the territory.
The corporation is not an INDIAN even if its office and all shareholders are INDIANS on a reserve.
All municipalities can dissolve their corporate charters and no longer be under the thumb of Admiralty jurisdiction. New charters can be drafted using the original instructions to live with the natural world. According to kaia’nere:kowa bankers cannot be private shareholders of any municipal corporation on ono’ware:keh.
Thumbs down!
Rolling Stones tells us how to turn it around: “Under my thumb’s The squirmin’ dog who’s just had her day. Under my thumb’s a girl who has just changed her ways. It’s down to me”. [Under my thumb].
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TRT – Six Nations opinion.
Attawapiskat racist based failure.
Fire engulfs tarsands Alberta.
Six Nay. Incorporation. Indian Act.
Grande River polluter identified.
Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,
Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor TORONTO, ON M4T 1M2 Tel.: 1-800-567-9604 Fax: 1-866-817-3977 TTY: 1-866-553-0554 Email:
Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445
U.S. President Barak Obama,
All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc.